The 12 Best Movies I Saw in 2004
So, here is a summary of my list. If you disagree, let me know. If you agree, let me know. I will defend my choices passionately! 2004 was a better than average year for movies (in my opinion), and I hope that 2005 will be able to surpass it. Thanks for visiting my site and reading my reviews. Stay tuned for more in 2005.
#1 The Passion of the Christ ****
#2 Spider-Man 2 ****
#3 Sideways ****
#4 House of Sand and Fog **** (from 2003)
#5 21 Grams **** (from 2003)
#6 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ***1/2
#7 Secret Window ***1/2
#8 Dawn of the Dead ***1/2
#9 I, Robot ***1/2
#10 The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou ***1/2
#11 Collateral ***1/2
#12 Friday Night Lights ***1/2
4 days ago
1 comment:
i agree with mike's selection of passion of the christ as the best movie in 2004 - makes you wonder why it isn't nominated at all! mike does seem to have a knack for this stuff after all. 21 grams & house of sand and fog were awesome - but don't go see them if you're looking for good fluff movies! dawn of the dead? mike knows that i disagree on this score. i won't argue with any other of his choices, except for the life aquatic. perhaps its because i expected so much MORE from life aquatic (my sister would agree with me on this one - 2 beats one)!
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