Crash ****
Cast: Matt Dillon, Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock, Brendan Fraser, Thandie Newton, Ryan Phillippe, Larenz Tate, Jennifer Esposito, William Fichtner, Terrence Dashon Howard, Ludacris
Director: Paul Haggis
Running Length: 1:40
MPAA Classification: R
Early on in "Crash", Don Cheadle's character makes an observation that people crash into each other just to feel something. He is talking about a car accident, but the deeper meaning is that we crash into each other as individuals. "Crash" is a chronicle of those instances. The film weaves a number of different story lines featuring characters of different races, religions, and wealth together in unexpected ways. You have the opportunity to make a first impression of every character, only to find out later that that impression was completely wrong.
A big name cast makes this a movie that many will see. If the cast contained more lesser-known actors, it still would have been as good, but would probably disappear quickly. First time director Paul Haggis provides the screenplay (he wrote the screenplay for "Million Dollar Baby" as well) to a finely crafted film that makes you think without being too preachy, a common downfall of movies with this subject matter.
The cast is excellent all around. The script is great, providing serious drama as well as some genuine laughs, with revelations about the characters peppered throughout the film. "Crash" is an excellent movie that shows how first impressions are not always correct. I highly recommend this film.
3 days ago
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