Elizabethtown **1/2
Cast: Orlando Bloom, Kirsten Dunst, Susan Sarandon, Judy Greer, Alec Baldwin, Bruce McGill, Jessica Biel
Director: Cameron Crowe
Running Length: 2:05
MPAA Classification: PG-13
Drew Baylor (Bloom) is a big shot at the shoe company in which he works until the Spasmotica comes along. That is a deal that will cost the company $972 million and Baylor his job. At the same time, his father dies on a visit to the town where he grew up. Drew's mom and sister elect him to go to Elizabethtown and bring his dad home. On the flight out, he meets Claire Colburn (Dunst), a chatty stewardess who treats him with extra care. After dealing with his extended family in Elizabethtown, he calls Claire (who gave him her number on the flight), and the two connect more meaningfully. Drew may be on his way to healing himself.
"Elizabethtown" is not as good as it could be. It has a decent amount of great moments, but the filler between those moments drag things down. Orlando Bloom still has not proven himself as a leading man (having failed earlier in the year with "Kingdom of Heaven". Kirsten Dunst is mostly annoying as the stalker-like claire. The chemestry between the two is so-so. The movie is flooded with songs to the point where one almost feels like director Cameron Crowe is trying to cram in as much as possible.
"Elizabethtown" is not a bad movie, but it could use a lot more trimming down. Most will find the film enjoyable, but forgettable. It is not on par with Crowe's previous films, but is still better than a lot of films in theaters now.
3 days ago
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