Casanova ***
Cast: Heath Ledger, Sienna Miller, Oliver Platt, Jeremy Irons, Stephen Greif, Natalie Dormer, Lena Olin
Director: Lasse Hallström
Running Length: 1:48
MPAA Classification: R
Casanova (Ledger) is searching for a wife. It seems that, if he cannot show he is living a more respectable life, he will be kicked out of Venice. You see, Casanova is a womanizer with many conquests, and his actions have upset the Church. He is quickly engaged to Victoria (Dormer), a woman with a pure reputation. Of course, as soon as that is arranged, he meets Francesca (Miller), a feminist who hates all he stands for. He pretends to be someone else to get into her good graces, and soon finds out she is engaged to Papprizzio (Platt), a man whom she has never met. Meanwhile, arriving in Venice to find Casanova, is Pucci (Irons), one of the Vatican's most known and feared inquisitors.
"Casanova" is more entertaining than the average romantic comedy, if that is what you would call this movie. Part comedy, part historical piece, "Casanova" has an odd tone that somehow earns is an undeserved R rating. This movie is PG-13 at worst, and the MPAA rating handed down is stupifying. Ledger and Miller are adequate as the leads, getting the job done, but not amazing. The scene stealer in this film is Oliver Platt as the rotund Papprizzio. He is funny every time he is on screen. The story is entertaining, and will be tolerable for men as well as the women who drag them to see it.
3 days ago
1 comment:
speaking as the woman who dragged him to the movie - heath ledger is hot - women, drag your men!
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