Cast: Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen, Jeremy Irons, Renée Zellweger, Lance enrickson, Adam Nelson, Ariadna Gil
Director: Ed Harris
Running Length: 1:54
MPAA Classification: R
Outlaw Randall Bragg (Irons) and his gang do whatever they please in the Old West town of Appaloosa, but all that is about to change. The town leaders have had enough of him, and decide to bring in gunman Virgil Cole (Harris) and his associate Everett Hitch (Mortensen) to clean things up. As marshal, Cole demands some leeway to take care of things his way, and that is granted by the town. Soon, Cole and Hitch are able to stage a midnight arrest of Bragg at his hideout, but getting justice is not that easy. Bragg’s men are out to get him back.
Not many westerns make it to theaters these days, but “Appaloosa”, Ed Harris’ second directorial effort does not disappoint. The leads all produce real characters that are not perfect people. There is an understated humor that keeps things from getting to heavy, and everything in the film looks authentic. “Appaloosa” is an entertaining film that will satisfy any thirst for a fresh western. I recommend it.
3 days ago