Cast: Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Jaden Smith, Kathy Bates, John Cleese, Jon Hamm
Director: Scott Derrickson
Running Length: 1:43
MPAA Classification: PG-13
The alien Klaatu (Reeves) arrives on Earth in a giant sphere that he lands in New York’s Central Park. Earth’s greeting party, led by Dr. Helen Benson (Connelly), attempts to make contact, but that is derailed when Klaatu is shot. They take him to a secret medical lab for surgery and also interrogate him on his intentions. Klaatu wants to speak to the leaders of the world to advise them that the end has come for the people of the Earth – he is there to save the planet from us.
“The Day the Earth Stood Still” is a middle of the road, average film. The effects are good, but they aren’t always necessary. The acting is ok, with Keanu Reeves’s usual wooden performance actually working for the alien Klaatu. Jaden Smith’s character Jacob is annoying and a hindrance to the story. This could have been better, I suppose. I have not seen the original, so I cannot compare the two, but I get the feeling that aside from the special effects, this version brings noting new or worthwhile to the table. I would wait for DVD if you must see this.
3 days ago
I pretty much agree. Pretty average film. The acting, for the most part, didn't detract from the story line. I just hate how they casted Kathy Bates. She stuck out like a sore thumb in her role.
I also agree with what you said on Jaden Smith. His character was basically a series of contradictions, and it looks like he poured everything he had into the crying grave scene.
The underlying storyline was always vague, and was never really fully revealed..which is annoying.
John Cleese was my favorite. But then, I'm a little biased. *looks at my own blog header*
kathy bates makes some odd movie choices at times...this was one of them. cleese had a good moment in the film, but that is all that it was...a moment. they should have found a way to expant his part...that would have helped the movie.
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