Jarhead ****
Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard, Brian Geraghty, Jamie Foxx, Chris Cooper, Dennis Haysbert
Director: Sam Mendes
Running Length: 2:05
MPAA Classification: R
"Jarhead" is the true story of Anthony Swafford (Gyllenhaal) from basic training through the Gulf War. Basic training is rough and reminiscent of the movie "Full Metal Jacket". Swafford emerges from the training as a sniper candidate, and becomes best friends with his spotter, Tony (Sarsgaard). Sergeant Siek (Foxx) is their commander, and sees them as the best snipers of the group. In 1990, Swafford's unit is sent to Iraq to participate in the Gulf War, but this war is not a war for snipers, and he soon finds himself ready to fight, but never allowed to.
The unit is trained and trained and trained to be their very best, but there is no outlet for all their training, and soon that begins to take its toll. They are soldiers who are unable to use the skills that they have, and sooner or later someone is going to snap.
Jake Gyllenhaal is excellent as the baby faced Swafford, and is a definite candidate for an Oscar nomination. Sarsgaard, who has been in a number of films this year, finally has found a role to really shine in. Finally, Foxx is perfect as a true Marine that loves being a Marine. "Jarhead" is an interesting war movie that really has little war in it. Its focus is on the people that are there to fight the war, and what happens when the highly trained men are not allowed to do what they have been trained for. This is the best war movie in recent years, and I highly recommend it.
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