The Legend of Zorro **1/2
Cast: Antonio Banderas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Adrian Alonso, Nick Chinlund, Rufus Sewell
Director: Martin Campbell
Running Length: 2:08
MPAA Classification: PG
After seven years, Zorro (Banderas) is back. After stopping an attempt to disrupt California's vote to join the United States, he returns to his wife Elena (Zeta-Jones) and son Joaquin (Alonso). Elana wants him to stop being Zorro now, but he thinks there is still a need. A huge argument leads to a divorce. Three months later, Zorro is a drunk and Elena is being courted by a French count by the name of Armand (Sewell). Zorro begins to think that Armand is up to no good, and begins looking into things, only to find something surprising. Now, Zorro must go into action to save the day.
"The Legend of Zorro" may have taken too long to hit the big screen. It has been a long time since "The Mask of Zorro" entertained audiences. While there is still some of the magic left, it is nowhere near the magic of the original. Banderas and Zeta-Jones are back, but their chemistry is a little off. The story is ok, but not good enough to sustain 128 minutes. That is not to say that there is nothing to be enjoyed here. There are a number of moments throughout the film that work, but as a whole, "Zorro" is lacking something. Wait until DVD.
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