Cast: Meryl Streep, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Adams, Viola Davis
Director: John Patrick Shanley
Running Length: 1:45
MPAA Classification: PG-13
At Saint Nicholas Church School, Sister Aloysius Beauvier (Streep) is the principal. She is an old-school nun who sees sin just about everywhere she looks. Sister James (Adams) is a new and impressionable nun who is very idealistic. When she sees something that may be inappropriate between Father Brendan Flynn (Hoffman), a progressive priest, and a student, she confides in Sister Aloysius. Sister Aloysius then takes on Father Flynn, who professes his innocence.
“Doubt” is an intense drama with amazing performances. Streep, Hoffman, Adams, and Davis (as the boy’s mother) all deliver Oscar nominated performances. Those nominations are all well deserved. The story works so well because of the doubt that is present. Did Father Flynn act inappropriately? Or is Sister Aloysius just on a witch hunt, seeing what she wants to see? The movie forces the viewer to think and come to their own conclusions. This is a great film, and is definitely worth seeing.
3 days ago
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