Cast: Chris Evans, Dakota Fanning, Camilla Belle, Djimon Hounsou, Neil Jackson, Cliff Curtis, Ming-Na, Nate Mooney
Director: Paul McGuigan
Running Length: 1:51
MPAA Classification: PG-13
Nick (Evans) is a “mover” – someone who can move things with his mind. He meets up with Cassie (Fanning), a “watcher” – someone who can predict the future. She is trying to rescue her mother from the government, but as they try to piece things together, Kira (Belle) enters their lives. Kira is a “pusher” – someone who can influence others thoughts. She also had a relationship with Nick, and is the only person to survive a power “enhancement” drug that was administered to her by the sinister Company. Now, the Company is after her, and Nick and Kira must help her if they want to survive.
“Push” is a gritty looking superhero movie that is not based on any existing comic book (for a change). It is fast paced and rich in mythology. Evans, who has some experience in these types of movies, is credible as Nick. Fanning, who is great in any movie she appears in, can add action star to her resume. The story is full of backstory, but that does not slow down the almost nonstop action. The gritty look adds to the feel of the film, and works well. “Push” is a surprisingly good film, and I recommend checking it out.
3 days ago
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