You gotta love the summer movie season. It brings the biggest, most blockbuster movies to your local theater. Summers are always pascked with "must see" movies, and 2012 is no exception. Here's a quick look at some of the movies I'm looking forward to this summer...
The movie I was looking forward to the most has already come out. That, of course, is The Avengers. I will most likely go more into my thoughts on this movie in another post, but briefly, this was an incredible movie. Definitely lived up to the hype, and definitely set the bar high for the rest of the summer blockbusters.
Prometheus is next up on my radar. A paralell-ish prequel of sorts to the classic Alien, Prometheus reunites director Ridley Scott with that universe. With each new preview I see, my excitement builds. This one is going to be good, folks.
The Dark Knight Rises is another biggie on my list of must sees this summer. I have been a fan of Christopher Nolan since Memento, and with each new film he never ceases to impress. This will be the final film in his Batman trilogy, and yes, it is a very big deal. The biggest test for this film will be to see if it can surpass The Avengers.
These are just a few of the movies that I am looking forward to this summer. I will post my thoughts on them after I see them, and will post about more summer films that I am looking forward to in the near future. What are you looking forward to?
3 days ago
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