In November 2003, I got the idea that I might try doing a blog. Since I saw a lot of movies, a movie review blog seemed to make the most sense. After all, I was seeing 1-2 movies in the theater every weekend. It started out slow, but soon I found my groove and before I knew it, years had passed. In June 2009, I stopped rather suddenly. I wasn't seeing movies as much in the theater, and that is what I had limited my reviews to. Also, it started to feel like a chore, and I didn't want that.
Now, almost three years later, I am contemplating starting up again. Maybe not just movies seen in the theater, but possibly DVD reviews, TV reviews, and book reviews. Why the interest in starting up again? Well, after heavily diving into the Twitter world in the last six months or so, I have come across quite a few people who produce quality blogs. They have kind of inspired me.
I don't know how this will go, so I am taking it day by day. I can't promise to post on a regular basis, but if I'm enjoying it, I might surprise myself. So, what do you think? Just movies? Or TV and/or books too? Let me know what you think. I have to do some site upgrades as well, but the content is most important. Also, I would entertaing suggestions for a new blog name, especially if the scope of my little corner of the internet increases.
3 days ago
I'd add books into your mad little world, as well as those nifty little connections you seem to make between movies/shows/books and's like 6 degrees of zoofness
Im in!!! Im a built in fan of you. LOL
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